When your think botched home Colour job what do you think? Is it that horrible yellow, over processed Blonde with way too much warmth? Yeah, us too. It’s a dead giveaway of a bad home job or poor use of Bleach. So if Lady Gaga had you thinking Yellow could be your Colour (shudder the thought) it's time to scrap that thought once and for all and start taking your Blonde seriously.
So what causes Yellow? Basically, it's because of a poor Lightening job. Either the Bleach or Colour hasn’t been left on the Hair long enough or the Developer wasn’t strong enough or the Colour wasn’t properly Toned, if at all. Yellow is common in Bleach users because it strips your Hair of any Natural or artificial Colour pigment and when it's not finished correctly, it shows.
But here’s the thing, you don’t need to keep being Yellow or need to completely change your Colour if you are currently Yellow.
Our number one choice to avoid the Yellow is to use High Lifts wherever possible. They have delicious Tones - Ash, Beige, Silver - that will counteract the Yellow. And they don’t cause the damage you get with Bleach. Plus, you Lighten and Tone your Hair at the same time, bonus! Make sure you choose a strong enough Developer to Lighten, otherwise you could be left with warmth and the same problem.
If you have Bleached Hair and are suffering from the Yellow, life is not doomed. Pick a Highlift to Tone, with the help of a 20 Volume Developer, for a silky Blonde with depth and reflect.
Your Highlift choice is easy and is solely based on the Colour hue you want.
Choose Ash to Tone down your Colour for an Ashy, smokey Blonde.
Choose Beige for a creamy, classic Blonde. It’s also the best pigment to counteract the Yellow.
Choose Silver when your Hair is also brassy, for a chic, Silver Blonde.