Remember that time Miranda was overwhelmed and overtired after having her first child Brady and Samantha gifts her Hair appointment while volunteering to babysit? Yeah, us too. We also remember the cosmos, the heartbreaks, the clothes and the love these women had for one another in all their messy glory. It’s been 20 years since the pilot and a recent SATC marathon had us hook, line and sinker once again.
And as we watched we concluded we could match the Hair Colour to the season and that each change to the Hair hue depicts exactly where each character is emotionally at that time. So we started to wonder, did the Hair Colour dictate the emotion or did the emotion dictate the Hair Colour?

Charlotte York Goldenblatt
We're introduced to Charlotte with a hopeless romantic Brunette filled with Warm, Chocolate hues that match her traditional Waspy, but loving personality ( 5.53 Chocolate Blonde). Then, in a serious power move, transforms into a richer, classic steal like Brunette when she needs strength most ( 3 Dark Brown). And in her final act, she warms, physically and emotionally, as the Light reflects happiness ( 5.3 Golden Brown).

Samantha Jones
Samantha’s Colour is as smooth and sophisticated as the Samantha Jones Power suit and outside of a few fringe change ups, it doesn’t differ too much season to season. Who can forget her Natural Light Blonde (9 Very Light Blonde) and Dark Regrowth of the early seasons, through to the Light Blonde with a hint of glow when we began to know her in all her glory (9.3 Golden Blonde) that moves triumphantly onto a softer Cool Blonde (902 Extra Light Beige Blonde) for a creamier, far more stylish Colour than we’ve seen her in before.

Miranda Hobbes
Yes, we squirmed over the spikes and the short mullets in the beginning, but her Copper is iconic.
Random fact: Did you know that Cynthia Nixon is a Natural Blonde? Shocking considering how perfectly she suits being Copper.
How could a character so strong, so independent be stuck with a bland shade? She couldn’t! Instead, we were blessed with copious amounts of Red variations, starting with a deep, full bodied Mahogany (7.65 Intense Red Mahogany) that brightens into her trademark Copper (7.46 Rich Copper Red) and as she grows into motherhood we end with a lighter, more Intense Copper Blonde (8.44 Intense Copper Blonde).

Carrie Bradshaw
Tutu, laptop, existential questions, Manolo Blahnik’s — I couldn’t help but wonder if anything says SATC more than Carrie’s trademark curls?
Another random fact: Carrie was meant to be a Brunette, but producers changed their minds 24 hours before shooting the pilot.
Her Hair had that same romantic, whimsical flair of her personality with Dark Roots and creamy Blonde Highlights that hug her curls (Highlights in 10.2 Very Light Beige Blonde) which deepens into a Darker, Warmer Blonde with Highlights (Honey Blonde) and then, as she matures into her European lifestyle, so her Hair Colour follows (6 Dark Blonde).
Of all the years and Colours, which one is your favourite? AND has reading this made you want to watch an episode? Discuss below.