Considering Colour Removing but feeling a bit hesitant? We get it. To help ease those commitment jitters, we’ve compiled the 10 most frequently asked questions about Colour Remover. Dive in to find clarity and discover if Colour Remover is just what you need right now. If you don’t find your answer here, our Support Pages are at your service, or feel free to reach out to us directly with your questions!
1. Your Go-To for Removing Permanent Hair Colour.
As the name suggests, our Colour Remover is specifically formulated to tackle Permanent Hair Colour. It’s not designed for Semi-Permanent or Henna shades. This means that while it effectively targets stubborn Permanent hues, your Natural Hair remains untouched. We can’t promise the same results with semi-colours, but many of our satisfied customers have successfully used Colour Remover to shift those tricky semi-permanent shades that just won’t budge.
2. Colour Remover Can’t Help Lightened or Bleached Hair
Once you’ve Lightened your Natural Hair—whether through bleach or Colour—Colour Remover won’t take you back to your original Darker Shade. The pigment has been lifted, meaning you’ll need to rebuild it. A fresh Colour over your Lightened locks can seamlessly match your Natural hue or transition you into a new Shade. If you’re looking to make a bold leap from Light Blonde back to Brunette, check out our Guide to Colour Fillers.
But here’s the good news: you can Colour Remove to go even Blonder! If you have Coloured with a Dark, Medium, or Light Blonde Hair and want to Lighten further, simply remove that Blonde and then reapply with a Lighter Shade using a stronger Developer like a 30 or 40 Volume Developer.
3. One Application May Not Be Enough.
Your Colour Remover results hinge on your Hair’s history. For recent Colour mishaps, adjusting your Hair’s Darkness, or freshening up a month-old Shade, one application should do the trick. However, if you’re a long-time Black or Brunette enthusiast, prepare for some Colour Build Up that needs addressing. A couple of extra applications can work wonders, helping to lift stubborn pigments and refresh your Hair. Say goodbye to that weighty build-up and hello to vibrant, rejuvenated Hair!
4. Is There a Smell? Absolutely!
Yes, there’s a distinct scent—but think of it as a refreshing, soapy aroma that enhances the sensation of cleansing. This unique fragrance is part of the magic that makes Colour Remover so effective. And no need to worry; it dissipates with washing and conditioning, leaving your Hair beautifully fresh!
5. Just 20 Minutes!
You might be wondering if 20 minutes is really enough time, but trust us—it’s all you need to witness the magic unfold. We get it; you might think, “If I leave Colour Remover on for 40 minutes, I’ll get even better results.” But hold that thought! Colour Remover is a precise science: mix Part A and Part B swiftly, apply it quickly, and let it work its wonders for the full 20 minutes. Anything longer can backfire, potentially darkening your Hair instead. Embrace the process and enjoy the transformation!

6. Understanding Colour Build-Up.
Colour Remover isn’t just your go-to for quick fixes; it’s an essential maintenance tool for every colour enthusiast in the fight against Build Up. This accumulation happens when Colour is layered on over time, resulting in bright, vibrant regrowth paired with dull, weighed-down ends. If you’re a Brunette or vibrant Colour lover, you’ve likely seen this frustrating contrast while trying to keep your hue fresh. The good news? Colour Remover’s superpower is to eliminate that Build Up, reviving your Hair’s health and shine. Say goodbye to dullness and hello to revitalised, luminous Hair!
7. Embracing the Inevitable: Orange Warmth.
Yes, a touch of Warmth is to be expected! It's a positive indicator of a successful Colour cleanse, a remnant from the developers of your previous shades. Reds, Coppers, and Blondes tend to leave behind more Warmth than other tones, but don’t worry—it’s all manageable! A quick re-Colouring or Toning session can easily transform that Warmth into a beautifully balanced shade.
8. How Many Times Can You Colour Remove?
You can perform up to two Colour Remover applications in a single day! If you need more, continue with a third or fourth the following day. Take the time between applications to assess your results and identify where the bulk of the pigment resides. During your first session, apply the Colour Remover across all your Coloured Hair. For your second or third application, focus on the areas with more build-up for optimal results.
9. Post Colour Removing Colouring Is Different.
After using Colour Remover, your Hair will be highly porous with open cuticles, making it eager to absorb anything that comes its way. This means any Colour applied immediately could lead to a Darker Shade than you intended. To ensure the best results, we recommend waiting 48 hours for your Hair to settle before Colouring. This allows the cuticle to close and helps prevent unexpected outcomes.
Additionally, opt for a Shade that’s two Shades Lighter than your desired final Colour. For example, if you are dreaming of being a 7.1 Ash Blonde, choose a 9.1 Light Ash Blonde to achieve that perfect look without the risk of darkening.
10. It Truly Works!
Don’t just take our word for it—experience the transformation for yourself! Check out these stunning Before and After photos that showcase remarkable Colour Remover results.