The Winter months offer a refuge from the intensity of the sun and sea and a break from hot tools and styling, due to a minimising social calendar (or less Hair washing to stop our heads from freezing). And with that, we pivot our Colour goals and use this moment to have a change-up to a Hair Colour that is perfectly suited to the season. Discover what we are reaching for below.

Darker, Naturally.
Is your Hair showing signs of dullness and fatigue? Bring depth back into your Hair Colour with a deeper, Natural Shade. These single pigment Hair Colours give your Hair a much-needed surge of moisture and boost of unrefined Natural hues and solid, light-reflecting Blonde and Brunette pigments. And their breathable, yet full coverage Colour formula prevents your Hair from being weighed down in heavy Colour pigment — allowing your Hair to show off its sleek, dramatic shine.

Warming Chocolates.
Suffering from flat Hair? Restore the volume with these regenerative Chocolate Shades who’s double pigments add depth *and* reflect light, bringing bounds of volume back into your Hair Colour. Although when you think Chocolate you might automatically think Warm — Chocolate Shades are both Warm and Cool Hair Colours that infuse your Hair with a luxurious, plumping pigments.

Velvety Reds.
Reds are the most luscious and indulgent of all the Hair Colours. If you’re new to the Red family, there is so much more to the Shade than a faux looking Colour. Reds are romantic hues that completely transform your Hair with wine pigments, berried hues or deep velvety Red tones and Winter conditions are perfect to show off (and easily maintain) these rich, impactful Hair Colours.

Hair Refresh.
Colour Remover does was it says on the box — sucks out the Permanent Hair Colour that is filling your Hair shaft, relieving and refreshing your Hair. Colour Remover is an essential and safe bleach-free alternative to keep your Hair free of heavy build-up while still protecting your Hairs Natural pigment, the first step to take when Lightening already Coloured Hair and an important part of Hair maintenance.