As you read this, is your Hair living in a messy knot or tucked away because you just can’t deal any more? Have you fallen out of love with your Colour? Has it lost its shine? Is she (your Hair) looking tired and weirdly heavy? Is she suffering from a serious case of meh-ness?
It’s just as I thought, it appears you have a case of Colour Build Up. I’m sure you’re wondering how this happened? Remember back to the last time you Coloured. From memory, do you recall painting Colour from the top to the tips of your Hair? And what about the time before that? Do you recall doing similar? And before that? Yes, the same?
Don’t worry we’re all guilty of it. My brain tells me if I want to change my Hair Colour, painting over whatever I already have in my Hair will fix everything. It also encourages me to use the rest of my Colour mixture through my ends as not to waste it and thus all my Hair will look as good as my roots are about to.
But it always ultimately leads down one road — Colour Build Up — resulting in your Hair in need of a detox and cleansed of all that heavy pigment. Colour Build Up will show up in your Hair in four ways:
Appearance: Dull Hair, stripped of its shine and gloss.
Texture: Dry, coarse Hair that won’t hydrate, even after multiple treatments.
Weight: Hair that looks and feels heavy, like it's being weighed down.
Uneven Colour: Bright, fresh Regrowth and full, heavy ends.
So what happens next? It’s time to repair your Hairs health and purify it of all that heavy, unwholesome Build Up using Colour Removers restorative formula that draws Build Up out like a magnet, so it just washes away when you rinse your Hair after processing time is up. Most importantly, Colour Remover is free of all the stuff you don’t want, like bleach, to ensure your Hair health can only improve.

Start by applying Colour Remover to your Hair, leaving your Natural Regrowth if you have any. Wrap your Hair in cling wrap to help it process and leave on the Hair for 20 minutes. After washing, assess your Colour.

Of course, how many times you will need to Colour Remove will depend on 2 factors: the Hair Colour you are removing and how long you’ve been Colouring with it for.
Darker Hair Colours will take longer to remove the deep pigment than lighter pigments. This means Reds, Brunettes and especially Black Shades can be stubborn to budge and will need multiple Colour Remover applications. Long time Colourer’s with long term Colour Build Up will also require more attention. Thankfully, you can do multiple applications of Colour Remover, even up to 2 applications in a day, just make sure to always apply to dry Hair.

After Colour Removing your Hair will (hopefully) have a brassy tone to it — celebrate, that's a great thing because it means Colour Remover has worked its magic. If you can see that your Hair closest to your Regrowth has come up lighter and brighter, but your ends still have that Colour Build Up darkness, go back and Colour Remove again only applying to your ends. Then wait to feel your Hair, it’s amazing.
What you do next is up to you, you don’t need to do anything. Keep in mind after Colour Removing your Hair shaft is wide open and will suck up any product you apply to your Hair. If you can, give your Hair at least 48 hours to settle — a week would be even better.
If you’re happy with your Colour, apart from the Warmth, use a Toner Kit to soothe the brassiness. If you’re chomping at the bit to get back to Colouring, waiting at least 48 hours is essential, then choosing a Hair Colour 2 shades lighter than the Colour you want to be. If your Regrowth is the priority, apply your desired Hair Colour to your Regrowth and then use the Colour Top Up Technique through your ends if you need.