It’s the Hair trend that blew up everywhere who’s momentum continues still. But when you're ready to move on from ombre what should you do? Do you leave your Hair to Naturally grow out? Sure, if you want that look.
Don’t be fooled into thinking you can just whack a Colour over the top of your Hair and all will be fine. It won’t. You want an even Colour, doing that will not give it to you. It will leave you with Lighter ends, and if your Hair is seriously Lightened, will also turn your ends green.
To get back to one straight Colour will require 2 steps, that can be done in one day or over as many days as you like.
Before we begin, it is important that you know the Colour you ultimately want to be. Decide that before moving onto Step 1.
Step 1.
We need to even out your Colour into one shade, so we need to fill your ends with what we call a filler Colour before Colouring the rest of your Hair. Think of a filler Colour as your base that you pump Warmth and Depth back into, to build the rest of your Colour.
Your filler Colour should be a Warm, Golden or Chocolate Colour, even if you don’t aim to have a Warm Colour at the end. Choose a Colour that is 1-2 shades Lighter than the Colour you ultimately want to be.
Mix your filler Colour with a No Lift Developer and apply it to your Lightened ends only. Process and wash the Colour out as per instructions.

Step 2.
Once you have filled your ends, we can move onto the Colour you ultimately want to be.
Keep to a shade that is the same or Darker than the top section of your ombre. If your top section was your Natural Hair Colour, you can Lighten it by a shade or 2 based on your desires.
Mix your Colour with a No Lift or 20 Volume Developer, and apply to your roots first and then your ends.

Take this example.
Let’s say you have bleached ends in a simple ombre. Your ends are super Light, Ash Blonde and the top section is a Natural level 5 Light Brown. Now you want to be an all over 6 Dark Blonde.
Your first step is to fill your ends. Use a 7.3 Golden Blonde because it is a shade Lighter than your desired end Colour and is full of Warm, Golden pigments to help fill and build Colour back to life after the Ash Blonde.
The second step is to Colour the full head using a 6 Dark Blonde and 20 Volume Developer, that will make sure your Natural 5 Hair will Lighten a level. Apply your Colour to the roots first and then apply the Colour through the lengths of your Hair to make sure it is well covered.
Now that you can breathe a sigh of relief that you don’t have to wait for your Hair to grow out before you can move on from life as an ombre, what Colour will you choose? Or if you have any questions, leave them below!