In our office age is nothing but a number. 50 is the new 40, 40 the new 30 and where do you even begin on this new generation of 60 year olds living life like they’re 20. So in the age of the ageless, Hair Colour can be the difference between looking your age or taking you back to your former decade. All it takes is a few little tweaks to your Hair Colours hues throughout each decade, that will make all the difference.

In your 20’s
In your twenties, youth is on your side and any Colour can be on the table as far as your complexion will allow. Now is the time to experiment with Colours that might not be your friend later, so be as adventurous with your Hair as your passport and choose Vibrant hues.
Try Light Coppers, Peach and Rose Gold Blondes. Or if Ashy Blondes are your Colour now is the time to use them, that also goes for the extreme Colour changes like Dark, Deep Brunette’s and Blacks or Platinum, High Lift Blondes. Try them while the shadows still fall kindly.
Try: 1.10 Blue Black, Strawberry Blonde, 901 Extra Light Ash Blonde

In your 30’s
Now you don’t have a point to prove like you did in your twenties, it’s time to settle your Colour to reflect the person you have become.
Soften the Ash in your Blonde to Beige for a more flattering, creamier Colour. You’ll find the Ash will get too harsh and make your features pointy and sharp. Get your attitude from Warmth, swapping your deep Brunettes to little Lighter, Warmer ones. Now is the time your face can hold the richer, deeper Plum Mahogany hues so this could be the time to try that Intense Plum Colour with confidence.
Try: 5.52 Deep Chocolate Plum, 5.53 Chocolate Brown, 8.2 Beige Blonde

In your 40’s
With age comes wisdom and we know your forties is when life really starts getting interesting. This decade is made so much better when there is a youthful face looking as energetic and empowered back at you, as you feel inside and it’s time for your Hair to reflect that.
If you didn’t say goodbye to your Ash Blonde in your thirties, swap them now for Natural hues to soften the skin and features. Switch the shadow making Dark Browns for Lighter, smoother Browns and Dark Blondes. If you don’t want to leave the fun Vibrants behind choose Copper Reds for complexion friendly Colours, that will have the Light reflecting in all the right places.
Try: 6 Dark Blonde, 7.46 Rich Copper Red, 9 Very Light Blonde

In your 50’s and onwards
In your fifties, your Hair and skin Colour pigment change so you need to adjust your Colour to compliment your new complexion. We want to choose Colours that will bring contrast and add a glow back to your skin.
Now is the time to deepen your Blondes a shade or so and add Gold. Golden Colours will bring the Warmth and youthfulness back into your Hair and skin. Keep your Brunettes at a Warm, Light Brown or choose Medium/Dark Chocolate Blondes as Colours like these smooth lines. Remember to ditch heavy Colours, particularly Reds, choosing Lighter softer Reds with Warm Golden or Copper tinges.
Try: 6.4 Dark Copper Blonde, 7.53 Chocolate Blonde, 9.3 Light Golden Blonde