Oh the grow out. That awkward, direct line of Colour and Regrowth signifying the end of your Colouring days. For some that line can be way too prolific and be interpreted that you have given up. Yes, I know you’ve sworn off Colouring and you’re tallying your options to either grit your teeth and grow it or cut it all off, but we have less dramatic alternatives that are far more attractive. To be honest, it does include Colouring — don’t close the window — but it’s the only way to get a smooth transition while you're going through this I don’t want to Colour anymore phase.
1. Colour Remove and go Natural.
It’s time to evict that old Dark Colour, clean out your Colour Build Up and turn back the clock to your Natural Colour by Colour Removing. But as we know, Colour Remover has a tendency to leave a lot of brassiness behind, giving you Warm ends and a defined line of Natural regrowth. Basically, you’re back to where you started, huh.
For a smooth grow out, you need to blend your Colour so your Warm ends and your Regrowth look like they have never been touched and can continue growing out the same way.
Start by Toning your ends using the Toner Kit, or adjust to a 7.1 Medium Blonde with a No Lift Developer if your Hair is a bit darker. Apply the Toning mix to your ends, staggering the Colour on the line where your ends and Regrowth meet to give your Hair a smooth, complete Colour. This will make your grow out phase subtle.
Tip: If you are wanting to embrace your Greys, follow these same steps and only keep with an Ash pigment when you are Toning to blend well.
2. Nude Naturals
When you are Light and want to return to your Dark Hair Colour, choose a Darker shade that will match your Regrowth and apply it to your Lighter ends. Stick with a Natural Hair Colour, they will add a gloss and sheen back into your Hair and make your Colour look untouched. Like I mentioned above, stagger the Colour on your Hairline where your ends and Regrowth meet.
Tip: For the Light Blondes, you will need to build your Colour back to life. Consider using a Gold Colour in your Natural mix to fill Warmth and Depth back into your Hair and even out your Colour.
Keep reading: How to go from Light to Dark, without ruining your Colour.
And don’t forget, when you’re over this phase we’ll be here, just twiddling our thumbs waiting for you. So if you need any help just ask.