How to Mix 2 Hair Colours Together
Our Hair Colour Shades are formulated with a mixable formula that allows you to take ultimate control by mixing two Shades together to create a custom Colour designed for your Hair and Skin Tone.
Colour mixing rules
Keep Colours like minded - Cool and Cool, Warm and Warm.
You can mix either Cool or Warm Colours with a Natural Colour, to add a reflect.
Always choose the Natural Colour first, to determine how Light or Dark your want your Colour.
Do not mix Warm and Cool Colours. They will counteract each other.
How To Build Your Colour
Step 1
Choose a base Colour that decides how Light or Dark you want your Hair Colour. We recommend using a Natural Shade.
Step 2
Choose your mixer Colour by asking yourself what else do you want from your Hair Colour?
If your Colour is dull or washing you out, a Warm Shade will rejuvenate your Hair and complexion.
If you’ve been eyeing off a vibrant Colour, like a Copper, mixing it with a Natural Colour will dilute it while still giving you a vibrant Colour.
A Cool Colour with Ash or Beige reflects will give you a sleeker, creamier Hair Colour.
Step 3
Choose your mixing ratios following these guides:

Use 1/2 and 1/2 of each Colour when you want an even contribution from each Colour.

Use 3/4 and 1/4 when you want 1 Colour more dominant.
Try these examples
Find the in between
If you find 7.3 Golden Blonde too Dark but 9.3 Light Golden Blonde too Light mix half of each Colour to create an in between, 8.3 Light Golden Blonde.
Finding balance
If you like the Lightness of your Blonde but find it is too Warm, adding a squeeze of Ash will Tone your Blonde while keeping it at the same Lightness. Mix 3/4 x 7 Medium Blonde with 1/4 x 7.1 Ash Blonde for a perfectly Toned, Natural Blonde you were looking for.
Finding your Custom hue
You love 5.53 Chocolate Brunette but want to subdue the Warmth, balance it out with 1/2 x 5.53 Chocolate Brunette and 1/2 x 5 Light Brown to get what you are looking for.
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