As the woman of the moment we have been watching Dakota Johnson, or should we say Dakota Johnson’s Hair, do the media rounds for the past few weeks and its safe to say we’re fans. We’re so inspired by her unpretentious, simple rich Brunette mane it was imperative that we Colour matched it, pronto.
Dakota uses a Colour not too far from her Natural Colour, choosing a rich smooth Brunette hue to boost up her Natural shade. She then gets her glow from the added Warmth that subtly lifts and brings energy through her ends.

The two most important elements needed to recreate Dakota’s Colour are her Depth and Warmth. For the depth and Darkness, we will use a level 5 Light Brown. Her Warmth makes the Colour lived in like a good pair of jeans, we’ll use Gold reflects to replicate the same feel and dimension.
Our Colour match is a 5.3 Golden Brown. It will bring Warmth into the Hair and add great depth and reflect for a perfectly blended hue. If you are currently Blonde wanting to go Dark, 5.3 Golden Brown is also a great transition Colour. Its reflects will give you a full Colour adding thickness and dimension to your Hair, meaning it won’t make your Hair look flat.